set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ FINE SAUERKRAUT Wash the sauerkraut 2 or 3 times in a lot of water. Drain thoroughly, separate. Cover the bottom of the casserole with the rind, fat side down. Arrange layers of sauerkraut on top between which you will distribute the juniper berries, peppercorns and 1 glass of water. As soon as boiling, put in the washed bacon and the rolled side of spareribs, add enough water just to cover. Cook over a very low heat for 2 hours, then add the Morteau, pricked to prevent from bursting then, 20 minutes before the end of cooking, the frankfurters. Meanwhile, braise the roast pork in a casserole. Brown in 2 tablespoons of lard, add the onions and the bouquet garni, salt, pepper, cover, cook over a low heat for 50 minutes. Serve the sauerkraut well drained, surrounded by all the pork and slices of roast pork. Serve potatoes, boiled separately. The novelty in this sauerkraut, cooked without wine, is to serve at the same time, the juice of the roast pork and its onions, poured over the sauerkraut on the plates. It is very tasty. @ 6 2/3 lbs raw sauerkraut 2/3 oz trimmed rind 1/2 side slightly salted spareribs, boned 1 lb smoked belly bacon 1 lb slightly salted belly bacon 1 Morteau sausage 8 frankfurters 2 lb roast pork tenderloin, boned 12 potatoes 1 oz juniper berries 1/2 tsp peppercorns 2 tbsps lard 2/3 lb onions bouquet garni salt, pepper @ 30 mn @ 180 mn @ @ Alsace @ Meat @ @ Riesling @